What Are the Benefits of Singing for Older Adults?
Nov 18, 2021
Did you know the activity of singing has a ton of benefits? In many ways, singing is similar to exercise. It’s an aerobic activity, so it gets more oxygen into the blood resulting in better circulation which can lead to improved mood. Singing causes the release of endorphins, which give us that wonderful “lifted” feeling often resulting in stress relief. Also, because singing requires deep breathing, a natural outcome is often reduced anxiety.
Here are 10 amazing benefits of singing:
- Uplifts mood
- Relieves stress
- Reduces anxiety
- Lowers blood pressure
- Boosts the immune system
- Improves breathing (by increasing lung capacity)
- Promotes communal bonding
- Provides comfort
- Broadens expressive communication
- Strengthens concentration and memory
I LOVE to sing, and I love to help get the older adults you care for singing too. That’s why 80% of our music program for seniors is focused on singing!
Music is good for the mind, body and soul! At Bridgetown Music Therapy, we excel at improving older adults’ quality of life through meaningful music engagement. Studies have shown that singing boosts health and well-being, not just physically but mentally, emotionally, socially, cognitively and even spiritually!